This Mama's Rule of Life

In the symphony of life, where the notes of work and family often clash, finding harmony can seem like an elusive art. Yet, with a personal “rule of life” routine, I’ve discovered a rhythm that allows the melodies of motherhood, work, and self-care to create a more balanced composition. Here’s a glimpse into my daily routine that keeps the music playing sweetly.

The Early Morning Prelude (6:00 - 7:00 AM) My day begins with the rich aroma of coffee, a signal to the world that I’m ready to embrace the day. As the dawn breaks, I step out with my loyal canine companion, savoring the quiet streets. It’s a time for reflection, accompanied by audio prayers with Hallow, setting a spiritual tone for the day. I also indulge in research for my latest book by listening to an audiobook, fueling my passion for continuous learning.

The Breakfast Overture (7:00 - 8:00 AM) As the household stirs, I orchestrate a breakfast symphony, flipping pancakes and pouring juice. The dishwasher hums, the dog dines, and the laundry transitions from washer to dryer—a multitasking ballet that sets the stage for the day.

The Morning Suite (8:00 - 12:00 PM) With breakfast concluded, I turn to the littlest learners for individual lessons, nurturing their young minds. By 9:00 AM, it’s Tea Time—a cherished interlude for stories and snacks. Post-meal, I pivot to the older children, guiding them through their educational journey

The Midday Intermission (12:00 - 2:00 PM) Lunchtime is a casual gathering, a chance to refuel and reconnect. Once lessons conclude, it’s time for a collective reset—tidying up, folding laundry, and a well-deserved rest. As the baby drifts into dreamland, I seize the moment for creativity, letting my thoughts flow onto the page.

The Evening Crescendo (4:00 - 7:00 PM) As the day wanes, I begin prepping for dinner, anticipating the familial harmony of shared stories and laughter at 5:00 PM. Post-dinner, the tempo quickens with baths, cleanup, and family prayer—a ritual that binds our hearts and readies us for nightfall.

The Nighttime Sonata (7:00 - 8:00 PM) With the children nestled in their beds, the house falls into a peaceful lull. It’s my time to unwind with a good book, embracing the quietude and reflecting on the day’s blessings.

This routine is my personal “rule of life,” a structured yet flexible framework that allows me to balance the demands of homeschooling, work, and personal growth. It’s a reminder that in the midst of life’s cacophony, we can compose our own harmonious score—one that resonates with the rhythms of our unique family dynamics and personal aspirations. Remember, the key to work/life balance is not in perfecting the routine but in finding the rhythm that dances to the beat of your family’s heart.