Invite Samantha To Speak at Your Event!
Speaker Request Form
Please share your detailed request and desired topic from the list below. You may also request additional topics to fit your event.
Book club Q&A Zoom Call
Samantha is available for a one-hour zoom call with your book club! Request details below. Inquire for a quote.
"Navigating the World of Reproductive Technologies with a Catholic Compass"
While the Church’s teachings against IVF and surrogacy are clear, philosophical arguments don’t always resonate with those struggling with infertility, to whom we minister, and maybe even to ourselves. This session will explore the philosophical and the practical reasons behind the Church’s ban on IVF and surrogacy to see how these moral teachings are not arbitrary and punitive, but rooted in the TRUTH of Jesus and Christ and direct us towards our ultimate good in Him. Participants will learn how to pastorally explain and convincingly defend the Church’s wisdom on these sensitive issues.
“Toxic Feminism: How Feminism Killed Womanhood (and How to Get It Back)
Feminism has, from the beginning, sought to “equalize” men and women through the abolition of sexual difference, and in doing so, to erase women’s unique qualities and roles, making them imitators of men. Fatima visionary Sr. Lucia predicted: “...the decisive battle between the kingdom of Christ and Satan will be over marriage and the family.” Feminism has played an indispensable role in this battle, severing the bond between mother and child, alienating women from their bodies and their very selves.
If we want to escape the evils feminism has wrought and work towards the genuine good of women, we must first actively work to extricate and differentiate ourselves entirely from the satanic ideology that professes to “liberate” women by muting their fertility, eliminating their motherhood, and erasing their particular characteristics.
“Brave New Us: Exploring the Next Prolife Frontier”
Genetic editing, “synthetic” embryos, artificial wombs, 3-parent children, oh my! What’s on the horizon of the next prolife frontier? This talk will provide an overview of emerging medical procedures and technologies and explain how existing Church teaching applies as we attempt to navigate these murky waters. As Catholics, how can we take action to prevent these dehumanizing practices from becoming enmeshed in our society? Are we doomed to dystopia, or can we see these signs of the times as our call to act in building the kingdom of God already at hand?
“Male and Female He Created Them: Catholic Wisdom and Gender Ideology”
The Catholic Church’s understanding of the body is based in Scripture and sound science. This talk presents the theology of the body and its application to contemporary gender ideology and reveals the medical and psychological harms of so-called gender ”affirmation” approaches from a scientific perspective, equipping parents to protect and support their children.
"Pray as You CAN: Ignatian Wisdom for Parents"
Life shifts so dramatically with the birth of a child; is it any wonder our prayer lives might need some shuffling as well? In this session, participants will be invited to consider the ways in which their own love for their children reveals to them the heart of God. Participants will learn Ignatian principles of prayer and practical tips for integrating them into their busy lives. The session will conclude with a brief guided meditation. This session will be helpful to parents as well as those who minister to families to see how parenthood is an asset, not a roadblock, on our road to holiness.
“Digital Monasticism”
We all see it: the more we plug in, the more disconnected we become. But there’s hope! Little habits can make a big difference as we attempt to free ourselves from our attachment to our devices. This session marries sound science with tried and true spiritual practices to explore both WHY and HOW detaching from our screens leads to happier lives, deeper connections, and a more fulfilling spiritual life. Participants will learn how to create their own digital "rule of life" and come away with resources for leading those to whom they minister through the process of "digital downsizing" as well.
"Proclaiming the Truth in a Culture Gone Mad"
In a culture that is increasingly indifferent to downright hostile to the moral teachings of our Catholic faith, it can be challenging to stand with St. Paul and declare, "I am not ashamed of the gospel!" How do we gently guide our students, friends, and communities away from relativism's emphasis on "your truth" to THE truth of Jesus Christ? In this session, participants will explore ways to respond to our prophetic call in daily life and be empowered to proclaim the truth with passion and purpose.