Is Abortion Justifiable to Save the Life of the Mother?

Pro-life and pro-choice circles alike are abuzz over the newest attempt to limit abortion in the United States. Texas Senate Bill 8 (“The Texas Heartbeat Bill”) prohibits abortion of a fetus with a detectable heartbeat. Pro-life advocates see the bill as a win, while pro-choice activists mourn what they see as an attack on women’s freedom.

The BEST Subscriptions for Catholic Families (Boxes, Periodicals, Apparel, Oh My!)

The BEST Subscriptions for Catholic Families (Boxes, Periodicals, Apparel, Oh My!)

Here’s the rundown on the most fabulous Catholic subscriptions to give to loved ones this Christmas season. Feel free to circulate this list around to grandparents and godparents as your family’s official “wish list” this Christmas!

Wailing for Waffles

Wailing for Waffles

My one-year-old eats a waffle for breakfast every morning. Despite that I have never failed to feed him, he inevitably wails for the entire two minutes it takes to pop up from the toaster. I sing and dance, trying to distract him. I explain that the waffle needs to cook. Nothing helps; the waiting is too painful.

Sentir Y Gustar

Sentir Y Gustar

It’s All Saints Day and I find myself at Mass alone. It’s the year of the pandemic, and the only place I’ve been without my children for months is in the shower. And I do feel alone. Maybe it’s all the covered faces, or all the space spreading us out across this outdoor armada - a space meant for gathering that we’re using to spread us apart.

Dear Mama in Quarantine

Dear Mama in Quarantine

Dear Mama,

I can see it in your eyes and hear it in your voice: you are tired. Not just the daily grind of motherhood tired. Not even the loopy, delirious kind of tired that comes with having a newborn. You are exhausted. You are running on a treadmill that is set one speed too fast and you don’t know when the workout will end.

Why Surrogacy is a Social Justice Issue

Why Surrogacy is a Social Justice Issue

In a tragic turn of events, the state of New York has recently legalized commercial surrogacy. While its citizens find themselves preoccupied with a state-wide shutdown, shouldering the lion’s share of the U.S. coronavirus burden, New York’s legislators have taken it upon themselves to pass the widely-battled legislation that feminists argue is harmful to women, children, and families.

How Questioning My Faith Led to Knowing Jesus

How Questioning My Faith Led to Knowing Jesus

I sat on a large rock, knees pulled up, arms stretched behind me for support. The dry desert breeze whispered past as I gazed at the stars hovering overhead. Majestic and distant, they magnified the smallness I felt confronting larger-than-life questions I could no longer ignore.