What the Saints Can Teach Us about Marriage with Caitrin Bennett

This week on the Mama Prays podcast, I am thrilled to be bringing you this interview with Caitrin Bennett, Catholic homeschooling mother of 3 and author of the book Holier Matrimony. We had an incredible conversation and I can’t wait for you to hear it.

Tune in and you will hear:

  • Stories of real saints who lived out holiness in their vocations to marriage

  • How to denounce some of the biggest lies in our culture about marriage today

  • How to connect with your spouse in an age of distractions

  • How to strengthen your spiritual connection with your spouse

  • The beauty of the graces available to us in the Sacrament of Matrimony

We have such a gift in the communion of saints, and Caitrin does a beautiful job of communicating their stories to us!